In the end, you are always enough.

In a lot of ways, I was-and still probably am-very, very lucky. I realize now my eating disorder probably started as early as I started running. I am fiercely, irreversibly competitive to a fault. It was never enough to just win, or just PR. I had to win, PR, and beat the second place runner […]
Keira Mansure On How She Learned to Use Her Struggle with RED-S to Change Her Life and Others

For the majority of my life, I convinced myself that my worth was dictated on the way that I looked and performed in sport. I’ve grown up in the age of social media where I could compare my bodies to other athletes. Even people who I love have influenced the ways in which I think […]
Jill Almond on Navigating the Vicious Cycle of an Eating Disorder as a High Level Runner

My name is Jill, and I am in recovery from anorexia. I want to start by saying I don’t place any blame on the people in my life for the downward spiral that happened. Rather, the lack of education in the system to handle and recognize such issues. I want to share my history because […]